October Unpeeled!

8 min readNov 1, 2023


As the leaves of October turn golden, so too do the opportunities for our EAPES tribe. From the cryptic twists of our “Banana Brain Benders” to the groundbreaking announcements that promise to reshape our landscape, there’s a fresh fervor in the air. Let’s dive deep into the heart of what’s been an undeniably bustling month for our community, ensuring you don’t miss a single beat.

Community Initiatives

Banana Brain Benders: A Fruitful Quest for the Curious Mind! 🍌🧠

Prepare to peel back the layers of mystery with our “Banana Brain Benders” (BBB) — a series that’s been nothing short of bananas! After the inaugural riddles took the EAPES community by storm, it was clear: you were hungry for more. And so, the riddle saga continues, merging history with cryptic clues and delivering rewards that are as alluring as the promise of an untouched island. Dive into the thrilling recap of October’s riddles and, if you haven’t already, mark your calendars to ensure you’re part of the next challenge. Because you voiced your love, we’ve upped our game. Are you ready to unravel the next riddle?

Riddle #3

October was eventful for “Banana Brain Benders” enthusiasts. The month started with Cryptalmeth clinching the third “BBB” challenge. This riddle had clues in Ancient Yucatan Mayan, hinting towards the Spaniards’ lost treasure of 1715. Cryptalmeth’s strategic decoding led him to the answer: a fleet that, in 1715, fell victim to a hurricane while transporting treasures, causing 11 ships to sink. His reward? The coveted “Island Relic” with a Banana Power of 4! Feedback from the Tribe confirmed that “BBB” quizzes were both fun and challenging, ensuring that more are on the horizon.

Riddle #4

On October 24th, following xDays, the EAPES team unveiled a riddle in an intriguing video by CEO Crypto Mercy.

The challenge: decipher the two-word answer. Louis-mX-choo emerged as the victor, correctly guessing “Banana Island”. The clues were cleverly intertwined in scenes, with numbers pointing to the geographical coordinates of Banana Island in Lagos, Nigeria (Latitude: 6.44° N, Longitude: 3.46° E). After this successful October event, EAPES plans to host monthly “BBB” riddles. Stay alert for the upcoming November challenge and potential new rewards. The future might even hold a “EAPES Quiz Wall Of Fame” or exclusive merchandise.

Stay Tuned, More to come!

Join us on : Banana Brain Benders channel⁠: https://discord.gg/uBYDPsQ6


(Staking Rewards OCT-17th)

Your staked EAPES have been working hard and we have made our bi-weekly distribution to reward them!

Please go to EAPES App to claim your WEGLD + CYBER tokens.

You can find more information about the Pro-rated WEGLD rewards system here: Discord Information Link

Let’s go bananas! 🍌

Special Pool Announcement

Great news, Pipe EAPES holders! You’ve been chosen to participate in our bi-weekly Special Pool, starting today. Here’s everything you need to know:

What’s New?

  • 5x Banana Multiplier: Stake your EAPES with the Special Trait in the Special Pool and receive five times the number of Bananas.

Rewards Overview:

  • Primes staked in the Special Pools will receive 25 Bananas every 2 days.
  • Non-Primes get 10 Bananas every 2 days.
  • Additionally, enjoy the extra WEGLD and CYBER rewards.

Steps to Participate:

  1. For Pipe EAPE Holders: If you own a Pipe EAPE and wish to join the Special Pool, please unstake and then re-stake your EAPE. It will then be automatically transferred to the Special Pool.
  2. For Previous Special Pool (Gold) Participants: Please unstake and re-stake to ensure your EAPES are now staked in the regular pool.

Important Reminder:

  • If you’ve staked in any old Special Trait Pool, you MUST unstake and restake your EAPES to continue earning staking rewards. EAPES left in old Special Trait Pools will no longer receive WEGLD rewards.

Stay updated and engaged with our community. Check out our latest announcement on Banana News here.

Marketing Initiatives

Smarh’s Take on xDay Conference 2023

From October 19 to 21, 2023, the bustling city of Bucharest, Romania became the epicenter for enthusiasts and professionals alike in the fields of Blockchain, Metaverse, AI, and Fintech.

Smarh shared that the xDay conference was an exhilarating experience, especially since it was his first foray into a Blockchain-centric event. He praised the impeccable organization of the event and the camaraderie shared among the attendees.

One aspect of the conference that particularly stood out to Smarh was the emphasis on the hackathon. The event successfully sourced an astonishing 150 project ideas. He opined that the diligent groundwork laid out in the past years was now ripe and awaiting builders to bring those ideas to fruition. In his eyes, MVX, with its solid foundation, is poised to dominate the next bullish trend in the industry.

On the sidelines, Smarh had the pleasure of meeting various EAPES holders, many of whom were new faces. Distributing t-shirts, pins, and stickers became an icebreaker for these interactions. He also cleverly reserved pins for core team members of MVX.

In retrospect, the xDay conference was not just about attending sessions and presentations, but also about networking, forging new alliances, and laying the groundwork for future collaboration.

Watch xDAY : https://xday.com/live

EAPES new Merch Store integrating xMoney payment system

Our EAPES Merch Store is set to launch in the coming days! In celebration of its inauguration and the upcoming holiday season, you can anticipate special promotions and exclusive offers.

We’re proud to announce that the EAPES Shop will feature the xMoney payment system — a payment solution from our very own ecosystem. This ensures both flexibility and unparalleled security at the transactional level. Additionally, we are thrilled to inform you that xMoney and EAPES are not only collaborating at this level, but we are also actively working to elevate this partnership further.

Currently, we’re in the final stages of curating exclusive designs and completing the system integration and testing. While we’re eager to share all the exciting developments with you, some details are being kept under wraps for now to preserve the element of surprise. Stay tuned!

Development Initiatives

Officially incorporated in the Cayman Islands

We are thrilled to announce that EAPES is now officially incorporated in the Cayman Islands! This incorporation marks a pivotal step forward, unlocking countless benefits and opportunities essential to our growth. It represents a significant investment in the future of EAPES, laying the groundwork for our project’s continued elevation and innovation in the years to come.

Our subsequent actions involve preparing all necessary documents to submit a request to CIMA (Cayman Islands Monetary Authority) regarding our token. Additionally, we will undergo an AML (Anti-Money Laundering) process.

Banana Halving & Special traits Pool (Banana Multiplier upgrade 5x)

Our first Banana Reward Halving will take place at 24:00 UTC on Tuesday, Oct 17th, marking 6 months since the Banana Points launch. From that moment on, Banana rewards will be halved as detailed:

  • Primes staked will earn 5 Bananas every 2 days.
  • Non-Primes staked will earn 2 Bananas every 2 days.

Remember to stake your EAPE. The EAPES token is coming soon.

Starting on Tuesday, Oct 17th, any EAPES staked in the bi-weekly Special Pools will benefit from a 5x Banana Multiplier. That’s right! If your EAPE possesses the Special Trait and is staked in the Special Pool, you’ll receive 5 times the regular Banana amount.

Here’s the breakdown of the rewards:

  • Primes staked in the Special Pools will earn 25 Bananas every 2 days. (Note: Our dApp will soon be updated to prioritize Special Pools by default during staking.)
  • Non-Primes staked in the Special Pools will earn 10 Bananas every 2 days.

In addition, stakers will continue to earn the bonus WEGLD and CYBER rewards.

EAPES DAO Wallet Funds

Earlier this month, we took the time to reevaluate our DAO wallet staking positions. Our primary objectives are to seek opportunities and secure the best benefits for the Tribe, all while leveraging the most secure tools available to us.

Our evaluation is anchored on two crucial criteria:

  1. Multisig Wallet Usage: We have relied on xSafe for over six months. The use of multiple signatures for transaction approvals is pivotal for our project’s security.
  2. Audited DeFi Platform Usage: While no protocol is entirely immune to hacking, undergoing audits adds an essential layer of security and offers peace of mind. As such, we prioritize audited DeFi platforms for our considerations.

In deciding the best staking strategy for the EAPES DAO funds, Prime members cast their votes. The unanimous decision was to allocate the entirety — approximately 9,300 EGLD and counting — of the DAO funds to be staked with our trusted partners at Cyberpunk Stake. This decision not only strengthens our ongoing partnership but also aligns with the most secure and profitable yield options currently available on MultiversX.

For a deeper insight, here’s a breakdown of the yield rates from different options we considered:

  • Previous staking provider: 6.36% APR (70% of funds were staked with Trust Staking)
  • JewelSwap: Approximately 12.55% APR (Note: Audit is still pending)
  • Cyberpunk Stake: 22.5% APR (7.25% base rate with additional returns in Cyber tokens — further details can be found in our Discord announcement)

For your convenience, you can access the xSAFE DAO Smart Contract here. Additionally, monitor the DAO funds directly through our dApp.

It’s crucial to understand that our strategy remains fluid. We conduct regular evaluations to ensure we’re always aligned with the best market options available.

Partnerships and Collaborations

CyberPunk City Shines at xDay 2023

Our esteemed partners, Cyberpunk City, took xDay 2023 in Bucharest by storm! Their outstanding booth was a true spectacle: featuring six dedicated team members, top-tier gaming computers, expansive monitors, and captivating cosplay actresses. They meticulously curated every detail to draw and mesmerize visitors.

Attendees were enthralled by the game, took a moment to revel in the ambiance of the booth, and even seized the opportunity to snap photos with the talented cosplay actresses.

But the excitement didn’t stop there. Jack, CPC’s CCO, captivated the audience with a riveting Cinematic Trailer before diving into his insightful speech on “Why Video Games Have Changed Forever.” Their expertise also shone through during a Hackathon Panel, where they engaged in enlightening discussions about the evolving landscape of blockchain-based game development.

Capping off the event, Cyberpunk City clinched not one, but two prestigious Community Awards: “The Most Creative Project” and “The Best Designed Project.” Their achievements are a testament to the hard work and creativity poured into their endeavors over the past year.

We beam with pride witnessing their incredible journey and are eager to unveil what we, in collaboration with such an exemplary partner, have in store for our cherished community.




EAPES is a collection of 10,000 unique Apes on the MultiversX Blockchain. Original mint was Jan 2022. Join us on Discord (discord.gg/eapes-club) #EAPES